I have, from June 2022, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Warwick Business School - University of Warwick, United Kingdom, a top-ranked business school by Financial Times, The Economist, Forbes, and The Guardian, having the ‘triple crown’ of business school accreditation from the Association of MBAs, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and the European Quality Improvement System.
Master of Business Administration with Distinction | Warwick Business School
University of Warwick, United Kingdom | -
- Accounting and Financial Management
- Organisational Behaviour
- Marketing
- Corporate Finance
- Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
- Operations Management
- Strategic Advantage
- Economics of the Business Environment
- Innovation and Creativity in Organisations
- Leadership
- Creating Sustainable Organisations
- Social Innovation and Reflective Leadership (Nova Business School, Lisboa)
- Integration of migrants to increase individual and collective well-being: successful practices in managing social cooperatives in Italy1
- Advisor: Professor Marianna Fotaki
Graduate in Political Sciences, Economic curriculum | Università Statale di Milano
Italy | -
- Public Law
- General Sociology with elements of Economic Sociology
- Contemporary History
- Private Law (with elements of Labour Law)
- History of Political Theories
- Microeconomics
- Fundamental of Mathematics
- Statistics
- Macroeconomics and Finance
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Political Science
- Social Research Methodology
- Public Economics
- Economic Policy
- Business Economics
- Development Economics
- Political Philosophy
- French Language
- Economic Statistics
- International Economics
- Strategic Studies
High School diploma (ISCED 2011 Level 3) in electronics, electrical engineering, and telecommunications | Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale
Gallarate, Italy | -
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® | Project Management Institute
Reutlingen (remote) | -
Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification | Coursera
Online | -
IT Administrator Certification | European Certification of Informatics Professionals
Milan, Italy | -
European Certification of Informatics Professionals
- PC Hardware
- Operating Systems
- Local Area Network and Network Services
- Expert Network Use
- IT Security
Additional learning
- Completed in 2015 the Coursera & John Hopkins University Data Science Specialization
acquire tools for analyze datasets independently of subject, size, format, scope, goal
- R Programming – the backbone software in my data analyses: scalable and open source
- Getting and Cleaning data – prepare data for the analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis – explore and summarize data
- Reproducible Research – make everything reproducible, essential in all scientific researches
- Statistical Inference – use sample-observed data to infer population characteristics
- Regression Models – find patterns in data applying regression models
- Practical Machine Learning – have computers learn from data and help us on highly-computational analysis
- Developing Data Products – make results shareable for a wider audience
- Software Development @ Udacity
- Software Debugging – most of the time is spent maintaining and debugging code, let’s do it systematically
- Programming Languages – how what we type in a shell is interpreted at lower level from the computer engine
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – high-level class to cover commonalities of some popular languages
- Web Application Engineering – using Python and Google App Engine to build simple and complex live web application
- Introduction to Computer Science – exploring computer science basics
- Introduction to Programming – Problem solving with Java – an introduction to Java
- Version Control with Git
- General Knowledge
- Introduction to Statistics and Statistics – analyze and visualize relationships in data
- Project Management – Galgano consulting project management courses targeted to service industry’s managers
- How to Build a Startup – test your ideas and knowledge in starting a business, wise advices worth considering @ Udacity
- Introduction to Operations Management – Learn to analyze and improve business processes in services or in manufacturing by learning how to increase productivity and deliver higher quality standards @ University of Pennsylvania - Wharton Foundation Series
- Introduction to Public Speaking – an universal skill that help to read how you’re communicating @ University of Washington
- Intro to the Design of Everyday Things – how to use design to make life simpler
- Environmental Physiology – how my body is relating with the external world
- The Science of Everyday Thinking – the science behind behavioral economics: learn how to think better, argue better, and choose better
- Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects – to review method used to learn things and solve problems with acquired knowledge
- Tales from the Genome – an introduction to genetic @ Udacity
Migrants’ integration in society is an effective strategy for individual and collective well-being. However, migrants are often regarded as a problem, being accused of weighting on the public resources, or taking jobs from natives. In Italy, public administration finances a category of third-sector associations, social cooperatives, for running integration projects. Social cooperatives are regulated by law, and their purpose is not profit but a social objective. They face challenges in their operations that are typical of their structure, but there are also success factors that are typical to this form of organization and its relationship with society. This research focuses on a case of a social cooperative operating in the north of Milan, “Intrecci Cooperativa Sociale Onlus”, that works on migrants’ integration projects. This analysis found three instruments, characteristic to Italian social cooperatives, that are used by Intrecci and contribute to pursuing the organization’s social objectives. The first one is working on the long-term integration of migrants, an effective strategy for individuals and society. The second is employing social lending as a source of income diversification and consolidation in the territory. The last one is belonging to a consortium to get lobbying power, economies of scale, and financial mutual support. This research also analyzes strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, of this peculiar social cooperative. Advices are presented to mitigate the weaknesses: re-examine the outdated vision and mission statements; create an office, separated by the current operations, to discover and exploit opportunities; create a human resource office; create a marketing function to analyze all stakeholders’ needs; and create a research & development dedicated office, with the initial task to explore the opportunities from “Next Generation EU” European funding plan. Other social cooperatives could use the findings and apply to their business model and operations and increase their success toward the social goal of migrants’ integration.